Anime/Manga ~ Jinsei no imi
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 Doubt [also known as Rabbit Doubt]

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Anmeldedatum : 2011-07-18
Alter : 29
Ort : Pirmasens[Rheinland-Pfalz]

Doubt [also known as Rabbit Doubt] Empty
PostSubject: Doubt [also known as Rabbit Doubt]   Doubt [also known as Rabbit Doubt] EmptyThu Jul 28, 2011 12:37 am

i needed a long time to surmount myself to read this manga, but two days ago i bought me the first manga book of the quadrinomial serial and i must say this manga shackle me from the beginning to the end. however i come now to the manga itself:

"Doubt (-ダウト- Dauto?), also known as Rabbit Doubt (ラビット·ダウト Rabitto Dauto?), is a shōnen horror manga written and illustrated by Yoshiki Tonogai. The series focuses on the "Rabbit Doubt" cell phone game, in which the players must find the wolf, or killer, amongst their group of rabbits as they are picked off one-by-one. Six players of this game find themselves trapped in a building with one of the group already dead; to avoid the same fate, the remaining five must play a real-life game of "Rabbit Doubt" and find the wolf hiding among them.

The manga was first serialized in Square Enix's Monthly Shōnen Gangan on July 12, 2007 and ended its run on February 12, 2009. Square Enix also released the first volume on December 22, 2007 and released the fourth and final volume on February 12, 2009. The series has continued with a sequel"
"Doubt revolves around a fictional cell phone game called "Rabbit Doubt", in which the players are rabbits in a colony; one of these players is randomly chosen to act as a wolf infiltrating the group. Each round, the rabbits guess which is the wolf as the rabbits are eaten one-by-one until none are left.

In the story, four players of the "Rabbit Doubt" game Yū Aikawa, Eiji Hoshi, Haruka Akechi, Rei Hazama and a non player Mitsuki Hōyama meet to relax together.They awaken in an abandoned psychiatric hospital to meet Hajime Komaba and discover Rei hanging dead. The group find Rei's cell phone and realize that they're playing a real-life game of "Rabbit Doubt". To survive, the wolf, the liar, must die.

Further into the story, the groups tries to find an exit and the wolf using bar codes found imprinted on their bodies. However, their chances are limited as the bar codes will only open one door. As the story progresses, the "rabbits" one-by-one starts to get killed, until..."

source: all rights go to wikipedia[eng]

Sincerly ShY
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Anmeldedatum : 2011-07-13
Ort : Germany (:

Doubt [also known as Rabbit Doubt] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Doubt [also known as Rabbit Doubt]   Doubt [also known as Rabbit Doubt] EmptyThu Jul 28, 2011 5:32 pm

This is a Joke isn't it? xDD
I wished me this Manga to my Birthday. And now that I know that the Manga is good I'm happy. (;
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Anmeldedatum : 2011-07-18
Alter : 29
Ort : Pirmasens[Rheinland-Pfalz]

Doubt [also known as Rabbit Doubt] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Doubt [also known as Rabbit Doubt]   Doubt [also known as Rabbit Doubt] EmptyThu Jul 28, 2011 10:07 pm

xXFaithlessWolfXx wrote:
This is a Joke isn't it? xDD
I wished me this Manga to my Birthday. And now that I know that the Manga is good I'm happy. (;

if you like deathnote x)
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Anmeldedatum : 2011-07-16
Alter : 28
Ort : germany

Doubt [also known as Rabbit Doubt] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Doubt [also known as Rabbit Doubt]   Doubt [also known as Rabbit Doubt] EmptySun Sep 11, 2011 7:58 pm

I´ve read it too ;DD

(I know I write a lot, don´t I ? xDDD)
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Anmeldedatum : 2011-07-13
Ort : Germany (:

Doubt [also known as Rabbit Doubt] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Doubt [also known as Rabbit Doubt]   Doubt [also known as Rabbit Doubt] EmptySun Sep 11, 2011 10:59 pm

*hehe ich weiß dass das jetzt nicht hierhin gehört aber kommst du morgen auch um 8 zur Schule? Dann können wir noch bisschen labern, ich geh nämlich nicht zum Gottesdienst*
Naja ich geh noch ein bisschen schlafen, sind erst vor kurzen angekommen (;
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Anmeldedatum : 2011-07-16
Alter : 28
Ort : germany

Doubt [also known as Rabbit Doubt] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Doubt [also known as Rabbit Doubt]   Doubt [also known as Rabbit Doubt] EmptyTue Sep 13, 2011 1:07 am

du hast recht des gehört da wirklich nich hin xDDDD ich habs aber erst heute gelesen.....alter du hast ja echt überall versucht mir des mitzuteilen! xDDD
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Doubt [also known as Rabbit Doubt] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Doubt [also known as Rabbit Doubt]   Doubt [also known as Rabbit Doubt] Empty

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Doubt [also known as Rabbit Doubt]
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